Exploring Cultures: A Key to Better Language Learning

Do you live in a place where not many people speak English? This is the case for most learners of English. It can feel like English is just words on a page or just a set of grammar rules that you have to memorize. English seems completely disconnected from the world where it’s used. If we don’t learn about “English culture” – the cultures of the countries in which English is spoken – learning English can become really boring and it might be hard to make progress. Today, I want to talk about exploring English-speaking culture. This can help you see that language and culture are closely linked, making your English learning journey more interesting and rewarding.

Look for Media to Consume

The first step is to look for media from English-speaking countries. It’s never been easier to watch English-language movies and TV shows, listen to English-language music, or read English books. Keep track of what you watch, listen to, and read, and share your opinions and recommendations with your friends or in online communities. There are so many small details of a culture that you can learn just by watching a TV show! In terms of music, with Spotify, Amazon Music, or even YouTube, you have decades of English-language music at your fingertips. And reading? Well, you’re doing that right now!

Do Some Research

This a more academic strategy, but take time to learn about topics that interest you; be curious. What are some traditions or festivals that you have heard of but don’t know much about? What are the origins of Thanksgiving, Halloween, Australia Day, or even Pancake Day?! (Yes, that is a real thing!). If you prefer current events, why not follow the news to understand the culture better? By studying a country this way, you can get a deeper understanding of the culture behind the language.

Make Friends

Lastly, find people online who speak English and ask them about their culture and experiences. Learning English is more enjoyable if you can make friends and have fun conversations at the same time. These interactions can help you develop your language skills, boost your confidence, and show you how English is used in the real world, not just in your textbook. There are many popular social media platforms specifically for language learners, such as HelloTalk and Tandem.

A word of warning, it’s important to remember that English-speaking cultures might be similar, but they can also vary significantly! Even though they share a common language, they aren’t all the same, and each has its distinct characteristics and traditions. However, understanding these differences can enrich your language journey and promote cultural appreciation.


To sum up, getting to know the cultures of English-speaking countries can make your language learning more enjoyable and keep you motivated. Be curious about different countries and balance language study with cultural exploration. You won’t just learn the language, you’ll understand the people who speak it too.

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